Our Story

Ever wondered why we named our store Frankie and Cooper? Well, Frankie and Cooper are our adorable dogs. They bring so much happiness, affection, and contentment into our lives and our home. We figured why not extend that love to our store and share those good vibes with everyone who visits.

The inception of this business was inspired by our deep love for exquisite homeware and meticulously crafted handmade products. We proudly support the skilled artisans in Bali, acknowledging their hard work and dedication.

Our products are carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail. Our artisans use ethically sourced and sustainable materials, each bearing a unique charm, texture, and appeal. In stark contrast to factory-made goods, our products showcase the passion for handmade craftsmanship and our unwavering support for the talented artisans behind them.

We harness the abundant natural resources and creativity available to us, presenting products that are not only exceptional but also a testament to the artistry and dedication of skilled artisans in Bali.

We believe in creating a cosy home that radiates positivity and warmth. We would love to extend this comfort and cosiness to your homes.


ABN: 74 657 810 241

  • Frankie

  • Cooper